Sunday, 30 September 2012

Josh's Nudie Jeans 15 Month Time-Lapse - Front

***Best viewed in 720p HD*** ***Please read description before posting*** I ventured into the world of raw denim after inspiration from my friend, Vince, to get a sweet pair of jeans. Here's a photo-journey of my jeans over the course of 15 months and 3 weeks. Details about raw denim are at the end of the description. Denim: Nudie Jeans, Slim JIm cut Wear info: ~330 wears over 67 weeks (September 10, 2009 to December 25, 2010) Wash info: 1 wash after 15 months and 1 week (65 weeks) Wash details: 40 degree Celsius water My jeans have attracted some media attention. If you've read the articles, be aware that it's an informal experiment. This was not funded by the University or any denim companies. I wanted to see the bacterial counts on my jeans before and after the wash (15 months and 1 week vs. 13 days). For the results, read one of the articles: Cheers, Josh PS This is not meant to be a peer-reviewed publication. ***** "Nudie is the 'naked truth about denim'. Denim has the ability to age beautifully -- formed by its user into a second skin, naked and personal. The longer it lives the more character it gets. The indigo is a living colour that fades and gives the denim its character. The more you wear your jeans the more beautiful they get. Jeans are more than just a piece of clothing." Source: ***** FAQs What is raw/dry denim? Raw denim is dyed denim that is left in its ...

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Monday, 17 September 2012


FIT×COLOR×LENGTH×HEM=STYLE デニムはファッションアイテムであると同時に、それぞれの個性や趣味趣向、果ては生き方まで映し出す代弁者でもあります。5ポケットジーンズやオリジンとして広く親しまれ続けているLevi's®では、オーセンティックかつモダンなフィットレンジ&カラー展開に加えて、レングスの設定や裾上げの方法など多彩なバリエーションをご用意。掛け合わせ次第でいかようにも姿を変え、さまざまなコーディネイトに対応する独自のパーソナライズサービスで、あなた自身のスタイルを発見・表現してはいかがでしょう。

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Saturday, 8 September 2012

1993 MTV Awards Opening Act Commercial Break# 4

(add my myspace/tumblr *dedicated 2 80's & mcdonaldland* below) Part 4-THis break was recorded in 1993 during the 1993 Mtv Video Awards Opening Act...on Mtv of course. 1. Mtv Bumper-(was there a lot of Lsd going around that year or something?) 2. Mtv Commercial Announcer 3. Reebok/Athlete's Foot-( this an ad for reebok or athletics foot ..or both?) 4. Levi's 501-(does any of this have to do with jeans at all?) 5. 1-800-Collect-(I wonder if now OJ can use 1-800-collect from prison to call his mommy?) 6. Promo for Nirvana Unplugged-(Rip Kurt) 7. Mtv-"Books"-(So, I don't get it? Why was the other guy in the back hiding? Wtf?) 8. Promo for Rocko's Modern Life-(I loved Rocko) I do not copyright infringement intended.....4 education/historical purposes only.... ***"I miss those days when I was a kid"... to mcdonaldland) My about the 80's) My real myspace page..just boring me)

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Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Muddy Waters - Mannish Boy

"Mannish Boy" by Muddy Waters @ Levi's 501 commercial (Refrigerator) (1988). I do not own the audio used in this video. It is owned or licensed by WMG. Muddy Waters - Mannish Boy Songwriters: MCKINLEY MORGANFIELD, ELLAS MCDANIEL, MELVIN LONDON Ooooooh, yeah, ooh, yeah Everythin', everythin', everythin's gonna be alright this mornin' Ooh yeah, whoaw Now when I was a young boy, at the age of five My mother said I was, gonna be the greatest man alive But now I'm a man, way past 21 Want you to believe me baby, I had lot's of fun I'm a man I spell mmm, aaa child, nnn That represents man No B, O child, Y That mean mannish boy I'm a man I'm a full grown man I'm a man I'm a natural born lovers man I'm a man I'm a rollin' stone I'm a man I'm a hoochie coochie man Sittin' on the outside, just me and my mate You know I'm made to move you honey, Come up two hours late Wasn't that a man I spell mmm, aaa child, nnn That represents man No B, O child, Y That mean mannish boy I'm a man I'm a full grown man Man I'm a natural born lovers man Man I'm a rollin' stone Man-child I'm a hoochie coochie man The line I shoot will never miss When I make love to a woman, She can't resist I think I go down, To old Kansas Stew I'm gonna bring back my second cousin, That little Johnny Cocheroo All you little girls, Sittin'out at that line I can make love to you woman, In five minutes time Ain't that a man I spell mmm, aaa child, nnn That represents man No B, O child, Y That mean mannish boy Man I'm a ...

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